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{ Category Archives } Android Apps

New App SpeedTrack

Record your speed with the SpeedTrack Android app!                  See screenshots and read more here: Android Market link: Also available for iPhone:      

FlashLight Permissions to Modify System Settings

I noticed comments on other flashlight apps where people weren’t happy with the apps having permission to modify system settings.  I just added this permission to my FlashLight app so I’ll explain why.  With the EVO I tested with for a few minutes, I was unable to modify the screen brightness.  Temporarily disabling auto brightness […]

FlashLight Update for Froyo and Auto Brightness

I got to test my FlashLight app on an HTC EVO a couple weeks ago and the brightness setting didn’t work.  After looking into why, it was probably because of the auto brightness setting on the EVO.  That’s a little surprising since auto brightness wasn’t a problem with the original Motorola Droid.  I made some […]

New Android App Coming soon

The new app is a game I’ve been working on since the January. Wow, that’s a long time ago, but with a real job and kids, I only get a few hours per week to work on it. It’s starting to look decent now, so hopefully it’ll be mostly done in the next month. It […]

Flashlight Updated to Save Colors

I made an update to FlashLight so you don’t have to change the color each time you open it. Someone requested this, and I think it makes sense. I’ve been debating adding something like this for a while.  I’ll probably add a checkbox somewhere to make it optional and also add a couple more small […]

First Android app

I uploaded my first app to the android market.  It’s called FlashLight.  I put screenshots and more details on the FlashLight page here.